Cabinet of Wonders takes an in-depth look at tickling as pain relief, and at the medical benefits it can provide. At my wedding, one of my groom’s vows was a…
Not enough sleep? Echoes of a faint hangover? Then it’s time for Saturday Morning Links. Dahlia Lithwick and Doug Kendall point out that conservative politicians who are upset about empathetic…
It’s a somber weekend, for obvious reasons, but there’s a lot going on in the poetry world, and I’m here to give it to you. Derek Wolcott’s past rears its…
Normally I would save a link like this for my Poetic Lives Online column later tonight, but this deserves a story all its own. Geoff Nunberg of Language Log is…
The drive to digitize ancient manuscripts is growing quickly, and in the process, scholars are discovering works they never realized they had. The current technology is good enough that scholars…
As one who determined five years ago, after having shaved my beard off to remind myself what the natural contours of my face looked like, to never go without facial…
Not all the details have been released yet, but the word from Japan is that poet Craig Arnold died after suffering a leg injury and falling from a cliff. From…
Has it been this way since the invention of the portrait? Does every generation look back at family pictures and wonder what the hell they were thinking? Overthinking It has…
Congratulations to Carole Ann Duffy, Britain’s new Poet Laureate, and both the first woman and the first openly gay person to hold the position. Mayday Magazine hosts a roundtable on…
I hadn’t thought about it this way before, perhaps because I’m rarely in a dance club anymore, and when I was in them, I was generally too blitzed to pay…
One of the few compensations of growing up as a member of a restrictive, some might even say cultish, religion, is that if you manage to get free of it…