Karissa Chen is the author of the chapbooks Of Birds and Lovers and Meditations on My Name. Her fiction and essays have appeared in Longreads, PEN America, Catapult, Gulf Coast, VIDA Web, Guernica, and The Toast, among others. Karissa currently serves as one of the Editors-in-Chief at Hyphen magazine, as well as the Senior Literature Editor, where she curates The Hyphen Reader. She is Fiction Editor here at The Rumpus, a Contributing Editor at Catapult, and a Cofounding Editor of Some Call It Ballin'. She is working on a novel. Visit her website and find her on Twitter.
Despite the many periods of self-doubt I had, the stretches where I felt I would never write anything good again—I would always eventually return to my desk, because I wouldn’t let myself give up.
On certain nights, if I’m lucky, wisps of the shore begin to glow blue, an unearthly electric color, like someone in the sea has a flashlight and is shining it upward.