Mary Mandeville lives in Portland, Oregon with her wife, one son, and two rescued dogs. She’s published, or has forthcoming, essays in The Normal School, Fugue, Pithead Chapel, Brain Child, and elsewhere. Two have earned Pushcart nominations. Along with writing, she’s a chiropractor, a mother, a runner, a gardener. She loves this fragile little planet with all its living beings and her first passion is doing what she can to ensure our survival.
Will Evans, Executive Director of Deep Vellum Publishing, talks about publishing translated works as well as the Texas and Dallas literary scene he wants to help grow.
Manuel Gonzales talks about his new novel, The Regional Office is Under Attack!, transitioning from nonprofit work to teaching, and how to zig when a trope wants you to zag.
Debra Monroe talks about her new memoir, My Unsentimental Education, the future of the genre, and how the Internet has changed what it means to be human.
David Lipsky, whose book was recently adapted into the movie The End of the Tour, discusses his career as a writer and journalist as it’s evolved in the twenty years since his road trip with David Foster Wallace.