Sarah Sheesley is an MFA Candidate in Creative Nonfiction at the University of New Mexico and Managing Editor of Blue Mesa Review. She is working on a collection of essays that explore such topics as cockroach anatomy, sardines, glitter, Portugal, tuberculosis, gravity, and mechanical bulls.
From these two new books, the reader can gather that it isn't just the day that is strong and can withstand change, but the same words can be applied to the speakers of these poems and to Myles herself.
The poems run between lyric and narrative with many of them having a steam-of-conscious-like feel as the speaker makes leaps in ideas and imagery from line-to-line.
[An] unrequited love of language is demonstrated throughout The Hermit, as the speakers of the poems seem to continually give and love openly, but are often left hurting or alone—left to their prisons.