Tina Horn is a writer, teacher, and media-maker. She produces and hosts the sexuality podcast Why Are People Into That?!. Her first book, Love Not Given Lightly, is a collection of nonfiction stories about sex workers; she has also been published in Vice, Nerve, Girl Sex 101, and Best Sex Writing 2015. Her next book, a guide to sexting etiquette, drops in 2016. Recently, she has been working as the creative director of ThreeL media, developing books by Jiz Lee, Maxwell Lander, and Siouxsie Q. Tina’s workshops on dirty talk, sex worker self care, and spanking have been featured at Good Vibrations, Kink.com, Lesbian Sex Mafia, International Ms Leather, the New School, and the Feminist Porn Conference. She is a LAMBDA Literary Fellow, the recipient of two Feminist Porn Awards, and holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing from Sarah Lawrence. Born in Northern California, Tina now lives in Brooklyn. Find her on Twitter: @TinaHornsAss.
I would go so far as to say that the entire reason I write is to detect all the irony that language allows and twist it around the truth like razor wire and ivy. That’s how I like my truth: twisted.