427 posts
ENOUGH: We Regret to Inform You That You Were Not Raped
“We’ll order Chinese food. There’s this great little place around the corner.”
“A Path to Happiness”: Commemorating Sex in Patrick Nathan’s The Future Was Color
Happiness, however temporary and intermittent, is emphasized as vitally important in the cited paragraph and throughout the novel, a rarity in a world steeped in destruction.
Who Comes to the Ancestor Picnic?
With my flimsy paper plate overloaded, I take a seat with my parents and three generations of distant cousins. And here, the picnic’s real flavor emerges.
Going Home: An Excerpt From The Translator’s Daughter
On Tuesday, October 4, 2005, my mom was reported missing from her home.
Voices On Addiction: Incorrigible, A Love Story
I wanted to be good so my mother would love me. But I didn’t know how.
Voices on Addiction: Furry Dice, Milkshakes, and Meth
I won’t wear the red flats again. That’s that girl who is in the bathroom forever. I know everybody knows.
Parallel Practice: Aftermath
This is often all I need from it. To make sense of some immediate piece. To ease the ache of existence.
Dream Futures
Again and again, I return to this: being in community is the antidote to feeling dread, despair, and powerlessness.
The Comfort Room
What is a caregiver before the diapers need changing and the wheelchair needs pushing?