5653 posts
National Poetry Month: K. Iver
When they lose their leaves, I can see the crow / calling his friends to tell them I’m awake which means their daily peanuts / will soon arrive on a stump.
from You Are Here: Poetry in the Natural World
The Rumpus, in partnership with Milkweed Editions, is pleased to preview this anthology with poems from Paul Tran, Cecily Parks, and Erika Meitner.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Thomas Kneeland
& the fishmonger washes his hands / of the morning’s catch. Kids are away
Voices on Addiction: Mayflies
Mayfly larvae only exist in water that is very clean. And for seventy years, Lake Erie had been anything but clean.
Rumpus Original Fiction: Forever Hers
“If you want the boy to live, pour this around the bed. Use what’s in the pouch and chant the words on the paper.”
Beyond the Page: We Are Not Numbers
Highlighting creative work in partnership with other mission-driven literary organizations, with a specific focus on nonprofit institutions and collectives invested in social justice and human rights.
Perfumed by Fear: Silvia Guerra’s A Sea at Dawn
Guerra attempts to maneuver around obstacles with riverine language, and tensions organize around this effort.
Rumpus Original Fiction: embody
we are always children in some way, always easily hurt by our mothers. our bodies are expanding;
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Melissa Crowe
we make out the shape of what’s coming, / hold very still until the footsteps turn,
Rumpus Original Fiction: Birthday at Newkirk Plaza
The woman asks CK if he has a bodega cat. He says no, even though there’s a cat sleeping on a bread box in back.