5652 posts
Funny Women: A Literary Agent’s Manuscript Wish List
I need a book that gives me the high of MDMA without the risk of faintness, dehydration, or a nosy mall cop telling me to put my shirt back on in the food court.
An excerpt from The Rumpus Poetry Book Club's March selection, SYNTHETIC JUNGLE by Michael Chang
Rumpus Original Fiction: Career Day
It was too late for Lucy to be whatever she wanted. All she could do was be herself.
From the Archives: Voices on Addiction: None of This Is Bullshit
I was fine. No one and nothing could hurt me.
Holding On and Letting Go: Rebecca Aronson’s Anchor
Gravity is what tethers us to the earth and to those we love, but it is also what we are constantly trying to escape. Anchor is about both these states—the holding on and the letting go—and the tension between them.
Rumpus Original Fiction: Daughterhouse
When things begin disappearing from the house, I know what is happening. My mother has always been good at taking what she is owed.
From the Archives: Rumpus Original Fiction: Emergency Lifeboats: 24 (12 on Each Side)
“What’s a six-letter word for ignoring truth,” she might say, without looking up from the puzzle.
ENOUGH: Three Poems
"Not all Men" / Except for the one that followed / Me down every Publix aisle, / To the bakery, to the register, / & waited for me in the lot.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Two Poems by Janan Alexandra
2. In literary Arabic, kaph is used as a prefix to mean like or as or as though / 3. If kaph is a hand that means like or as or as though, then kaph is a simile / 4. Simile is a hand touching two places at once, a hand bringing together / two far away things, making a transfer (metaphor)
Another Oracle: Lynn Xu’s Those Ashen Heaps That Cantilevered Vase of Light
Almost ten years have passed since Lynn Xu’s debut, the luminous Debts & Lessons, introduced us to her oracle. “Let it not be for what you write, the world /…
Rumpus Original Fiction: Good Little Animals
“No remedy will undo your bad choices, or your addiction to sugar. And you can’t afford my prices anyway.”