5653 posts
Rumpus Original Poetry: Two Poems by Janiru Liyanage
The story thrummed its bruise open and never stopped
Rumpus Original Fiction: My Mother Fires Guns
You are never really at peace with what you haven’t gotten.
ENOUGH: Stupid Woman
A Rumpus series of work by women, trans, and nonbinary writers that engages with rape culture, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
Under the Influence of Jane Wong: A Recipe-Qua-Review of How to Not Be Afraid of Everything
Combine multiple ingredients in a single stanza-bowl.
Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Jireh Deng
The ancient sapien instinct: love is an approximation to danger.
A Rumpus series of work by women, trans, and nonbinary writers that engages with rape culture, sexual assault, and domestic violence.
Singing Creatures on a Land That Sings: A Conversation with Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma
Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma discusses his forthcoming translation of THE KURAL.
Our Recognizable, Difficult, Earthly Kingdom: Such Color by Tracy K. Smith
Composition here becomes a process of discernment rather than pure creation.
Why We Chose Jennifer Huang’s Return Flight for The Rumpus Poetry Book Club
What we’re reading in our Poetry Book Club next month!