2271 posts
Spotlight: Kate Gavino’s “You! Me! Dancing!”
The end of a decade-long dance party turns into a reflection on anxiety, community, and pop songs.
Fresh Comics #6: Abortion, Comics Style
Comics is a great medium for communicating complex or divisive topics, and so it makes sense that embedded within comics history we can find stories of abortion. Insane as it is…
HORN! REVIEWS: Upright Beasts
In stories ranging from the naturalistic to the allegorical, Michel's characters light out for the territory—or else they burrow further in.
Spotlight: “Bunny & Hawk” by Peter Witte
Visual artist and writer Peter Witte examines beauty and violence in nature, and how sometimes it might be better to not tell everyone around you what you're seeing or thinking because it might turn out that they don't want to see or hear it.