Start things off classy with vintage feminine hygiene product ads. Anyone want to take a road trip up the glass beach with me? Elephants understand. Invasive species gardening as contemporary…
While we weren’t looking the Russians totally beat us at the most important part of the space race. Speaking of: totally 80s Soviet propaganda. Let’s all take a moment to…
Way to predict an underwater volcano, scientists! Maybe Coco Chanel was a Nazi (maybe a lot of things). Ancient Egyptians understood the importance of good hair. Here are your wonderful…
Fun fact: you’re being totally racist when you talk about what kind of comedy you like. River wolves eeeeee! You ain’t so old moon. 1960s futurescapes. Also, brand new Portuguese…
What do we do now that the shuttles are gone? Party time on mars! Empty gas stations are pretty beautiful (blah blah blah). You know what the best thing is?…
If you don’t use these words, they’re gonna go bad. Get super intimate with the moon. Where’d this guy get a million circuit boards? Baby boomers have their own texting…
Oh man, literary rejection just got organized into a wiki. Speaking of literary rejection, uncreative writing is free and ready to read! I hope your coworkers are nice to you.…
Who’s laughing now? Another reason to spare that spider’s life. It’s our moon–why wouldn’t we use it as a trash can? Spoon and chopsticks breed beautifully.
Groupon can be tracked throughout history—way back to the ancient Greeks. Also, they apply to all forms of graphs. Real vampires with heat sensors! This is like minute math for…
Take THAT, mind bending microcosmos. Finally, our very own mini-me’s. Does this mean we all have to reassess the importance our moon signs? Alien hunt on earth? Psshh I’ve been…
Bjork likes biology and she hopes you do too. Literally, the truest contemporary linguistic assessment I’ve seen in a while. Ever been rejected? But not like this, right? Don’t let…