Today is another day, which is pretty cool you know? Flavorwire guides you through MOMA’s new digital font collection. Here are a bunch of pictures from a 1950s sci-fi movie…
Update: No there won’t be two suns next year (probably). Genghis Kahn, ruthless conqueror for the Earth’s good. ‘Sup gas cloud birds? I know you’ve been wondering when I would…
Very important: The fake astronauts have almost reached fake Mars. A look at artist-scientist Carsten Holler, who, you know, we like. Alphabets Publicitaires. Tuesday seems like a good day to…
Thomas Edison had some thoughts on 2011 too. Victorian infographics! Headline of the day: Undercover policeman married activist he was sent to spy on. Mitch Dobrowner takes pictures of storms.…
A little vintage photography magazine porn for you. Handwritten notes by graphic designers. (via Letters of Note.) While we’re on the subject, perhaps you’d like to know about postal carrier…
Seed Magazine on the pros and cons of your cockiness. I don’t really know why I find these literal New Yorker cartoons so funny. This article is about farming slime…
Let us now take a look at the oldest book from the Americas. Do you hate your job? The lunchtime clock is here to help. NASA’s plans to make airplanes…
This is how some people choose to spend their time: cigarette ash landscape. By the same token: cotton candy room. Meanwhile, back in the 1930s, automatons engage in fisticuffs. In…
Here is some information about a frog riding a snake. Yep. Meanwhile, on the South Pole. . . Weather Inside is your art installation of the week. Unless perhaps you…
Hella takins today dudes. Take THAT Salman Rushdie. 2011 is the year of invisible clothing. (which is a pretty dumb year, you know?) Insect meat is the answer to all…