1970s lowbrow super 8 design. hurray! Journey Around my Skull continues its look at Polish children’s books. Is ALL marriage illegal in Texas? 15 uses for newspapers. Imaging alien Earths…
Logical flow. On death masks. Going through back issues of Cabinet magazine is a good way to spend a day. A minor history of giant spheres. Voyeuristic architectural offices. Curbed…
Jim Kazanjian’s aberrations. We try to stay away from foreign language links as much as possible, but these x-rays of speech are pretty universally rad. Warhol’s Little Red Hen. If…
Actually, blowing up the moon WAS successful! Guardian UK on In Cold Blood 50 years on. Don’t try and bring snow globes on an airplane. Don’t do it! Modern day…
Shockingly not boring: a look inside an English cardboard factory. Children’s books from Poland. WWI-era airplane detection hearing aids. Could the common cold be the trick to avoiding swine flue?…
Have you seen Big Picture’s photo-essay on Mars? It is the best thing. What does the grammar of Google searches say about us? I am just linking to this article…
I don’t know if anyone has noticed this yet, but it is Autumn. The bitter lapse into everyday life. Wayne Levin’s haunting underwater photography. How to convert old factory buildings…
Frank Miller’s Charlie Brown (page 1, page 2). Dream project: redesign Vladimir Nabokov’s book covers. The fall of the Iron Curtain, in pictures. Donald Barthelme’s recommended reading list. (via kottke.org)…
Magazine offices are the new Detroit. A quality short story. The winner of the second annual World Building of the Year award: the Mapungubwe Interpretation Centre. NY Times on the…
In 1924 the Navy was ordered to listen for martians. The Italian Futurist pasta sauna. You’ve probably seen things like this a million times, but damn it sometimes you just…
National Geographic on robotic animals. Also: 10 Tons make model planets, giant squids, dinosaurs, and more! Also Also: check out these pictures of a sperm whale eating a giant squid.…
Still have to work out a few minor tech problems, but we’re back. On eco-peril and how the Nazca caused their own collapse. Inflatable street art. Kurt Vonnegut’s book covers…