Inside the world of Amazon penny book sellers. Or, you know, maybe it WASN’T a sign of alien megacivilization. Sup with geoglyphs tho? Let’s all move into a housetruck. On…
For the record, we here at MC are PRO ancient shipwreck graveyards. On South African architecture of fear. Here is some Utopian fashion for you. All hail the Jewel caterpillar!…
We’re taking a long weekend over here at Morning Coffee, so we better leave you with the world’s most haunted doll and some murder house real estate law to get…
Here’s your early 20th Century Danish illustration for the day. Today is a good day to watch beavers being parachuted into Idaho. Maybe Alzheimer’s is caused by a brain fungus?…
At least there are still new Galapagos Tortoise species to discover. We all need a good paleontology controversy now and then. The world of 2015 is filled with very remote…
Secret Soviet ghost town? Thank you please. Photographing the early days of Italian aviation. Disappointingly misleading headline (but interesting regardless): Expedition seeks Atlantis microbes. Hey let’s all check out San…
Let’s discuss the science and history behind Fata Morgana. The big one is (probably) coming (soon). Of course the problem is that most Earth-like planets haven’t been born yet. Very…
Never forget that there is a pet elephant buried under the Vatican. The rich are better than you or I so they can buy portable islands. Related: maybe you’d like…
Of course! The answer was beavers the whole time! And you may ask yourself, what are the deepest places on Earth? Hey look! it’s Thomas Edison’s secret lab! Photographing the…
History repeating itself among the homeless in San Francisco. This week in mushrooms being the strangest dang things. A brief history of museum dioramas (this is literally what I live…
OBVIOUSLY this means there are alien mega-societies out there. On the other hand. . . Let’s not leave space yet, let’s talk about spacesuits instead. Important 1950 mental hospital time…
I’m pretty fascinated by this never build Wizard of Oz theme park, to be totally honest here. A brief history of Olympic environmental disasters (spoiler alert: the Olympics are actually…