Argentine ants have colonized the world. Hey look, an even more earth-like, possibly hospitable planet. Meanwhile, in corporate science: now Disney can turn anything into a top. So, how DO…
Important Friday fact: there is poop on the moon. Actually seals probably brought TB to the Americas. Who want to go to the Ai Pioppi Playground with me? Americana sweetspot:…
Drop everything and watch this 1965 Soviet documentary about lunar colonization. Without going too far, Soviet Ghosts is your ruin porn/photo essay for the whatever. Important nightmare news: cities are…
It is imperative that we shoot lawn darts at mars. The world is so full of awful things these days, so let’s just take a moment to appreciate this baby…
I take it back, Soviet Postcards is your real tumblr of the week. The time has come to learn what happens when a jellyfish stings you. Ok so black holes…
The world’s been real bleak lately so isn’t it nice to remember that there are still Mayan cities and giant flying dinosaurs to be discovered? No, college doesn’t make you…
Las Vegas’s atomic tourism. Subterranean London is pretty fantastic. The glamorous ladies of 1920s Australian mugshots. Maybe you want to look at some Swedish sheet music illustrations.
A 1920s feminist imagines the future. Life, uh, finds a way. On the lost letters of the English language. Reading about 19th century mythical beasts of lumberjack lore just hits…
I don’t normally link to this sort of thing, but all week The Dissolve is discussing one of my very favorite bizarre movies. As long as we’re here: French sci-fi…
All of the glowing animals (I LOVE glowing animals). Today in things actually happening: civilians in abandoned McDonald’s seize control of wandering space satellite. As long as we’re on the…
Celebrating 50 years of the most adorably named deep sea submersible of them all. “Women listening to men in western art history.” The swingin’ days of inflatable furniture. Ash Dykes…
Happy Friday, here is a story about tortoises using touchscreens. North Korea imagines the future (of architecture). Similarly: the world of Japanese retro-futurism. Today in the world is just awful:…