Good news: we’ve made it through the worst day of the year. Perhaps you have wondered what it sounds like inside the world’s deepest holes. Computers watching movies. Abandoned prisons…
Back in action. Very important news: dogs poop along a magnetic axis. The world is pretty neat because it includes things like Victoria Crowned Pigeons. Also because there is a…
It’s the end of the year, which means things like this. 2013 in Science (hooray for the olinguito!) The Big Picture has begun their always fantastic year-in-review. Here are the…
Yes, Neanderthals buried their dead. Meanwhile: the future is vertical cemeteries! Can sci-fi survive in Saudi Arabia? Younger siblings of the world, beware of the baby illusion! Hey look, Europa…
My favorite Christmas tradition is the burning of Gavle Goat (spoiler alert: yes it burned again this year). This is real big: China has landed on the moon. This is…
Oh right, it’s almost Christmas (Budapest style). You guys, the volcano under Yellowstone is terrifyingly big. We’re all here today because of how scary snakes are. Another look inside CERN.…
Yes, but why do we have squirrels? I have a legal obligation to link to anything with the word “aquanaut” in it. Gods of the ancients. Here is an article…
Meet Peggy, the strange object at the edge of Saturn’s rings. Scientists prove the universe is a hologram. (“prove”) Scientists also claim to have found the coldest place on earth.…
Sadly chimpanzees are not (legal) persons (yet). Behold the minimum wage machine! On the Smithsonian’s 1200-year-old phone. We all need some lovely subway station design porn from time to time.…
The important questions: what can we learn about a whale from its earwax? Can we just talk about this US spy rocket logo for a second? In 1938, a scientist…
Mandela’s Struggle in Posters. Photographing Norwegian reindeer herders and the American frontier. Sad fact: 75 percent of all American silent films are lost forever. Bug mimicry is pretty fascinating.