Real talk, if you haven’t yet you should really read Learning How to Die in the Anthropocene. New advances in the world of dog origin theories. Paper dresses used to…
Did you know that the original spacesuit was made by a bra manufacturer? But what happened after 12 Years a Slave? (Spoiler alert: no one knows.) NASA made this video…
The key to finding alien life is looking for purple (something something Prince joke). Atlas Obscura brings you submerged towers and abandoned Santa parks. Maybe you’d like to check out…
“Huh” is the universal word. Today is a day for baby cuttlefish. Don’t worry, this crab’s third eye is probably a conjoined twin. Dolphin diseases are the saddest diseases. Now…
Here is the secret troll that protected the Bay Bridge (for a while). 80s mall photos are pretty sweet huh? How much does Twitter owe you? (It owes us $11,860).…
Life, uh, finds a way; bacterium thrives in spacecraft cleanrooms. It’s been way too long since I’ve linked to a 50 Watts post. The Guardian looks at the awful political…
Hold the phone there, giant prehistoric platypus. It is a very bad time to be a rhino. But like, do dolphins actually like us? This has nothing to do with…
This is how Margaret Atwood turns down blurb requests. Maybe we’ve been misinterpreting Beowulf for 200 years. Maybe a lot of things. NASAgifs is your tumblr for the whatever. The…
Let us now praise famous modern airport architecture. Here are some psychedelic Spanish pharmaceutical ads. A dust avalanche ON MARS. Hey you know what, science pretty much backs large soda…
Here are your 2013 photomicrography winners. What America needs is two less timezones. Let’s all listen to the world’s oldest complete surviving song. 19th Century lunatic asylums then and now…
Happy whatever. What could be spookier than oooovvvveeeerrrr ppppooooppppuuuullllaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn. Beware the lava planet! Relevant: no, sugar doesn’t make children hyper. Hermits and feral children also give me the creeps. And…