I, on the other hand, thought Blue Jasmine was great, and that Woody Allen is one of the five or so greatest directors to ever work within the Hollywood system.…
Getty Critics is my favorite thing today. Here come the (sort of) commercial flights to Antarctica. Everything great is a hoax, Horse_ebooks revealed. Vintage Vespa ads are the best ads.…
Science tackles the important questions: why do you want to eat babies? Monkeys are whispering (probably about you and your baby eating). What New York needs is garbage tubes. Let’s…
This isn’t even fun anymore: 3 more super-earths found. Our schizophrenic’s voices are much more violent than other countries. Perhaps you’d like to peruse a 1970s Sears catalog. I demand…
Everything you think you know about space and time is wrong, the real answer is space crystals. A different take: Soviet propaganda for the non-Russian bloc. Terrible real estate agent…
Yes, but how do chipmunks see the world? Let’s all take a trip back to swingin’ Thailand (in film posters). This is an article about Lenin playing a theremin, but it…
A short history of failed San Francisco urban planners. I imagine you’d like to know about the world’s largest robot. I imagine you’d like to watch a BBC documentary about…
Today in alarmist studies: early talkers might turn into heavier drinkers. Maybe we are living inside a massive black hole. Maybe a lot of things. Have we already talked about…
Congratulations left handed people, we sort of understand what makes you! Hey look, Aqua-Velvet is back! Butterflies and bees drink turtle tears! Elsewhere in the animal world: it’s always a…
Hey guess what, we finally made it into interstellar space. This is what it sounds like. Important news: typewriters are pretty. Atlas Obscura has your ruin porn for the day.…
Smithsonian looks at the very first Syrian chemical attack. Have you ever seen an albino humpback whale? It’s a pretty great thing. If any of you readers love me you’ll…