The Rumpus and HTMLGIANT present ONE YEAR LATER, a celebration of the first anniversary of The Rumpus, tonight, January 21, 2010. The night will feature readings by Rivka Galchen, Tao…
Passport photos of famous artists. (via MeFi.) Dinosaur comics reminds us that there are still reasons to be excited. Here is that info on exciting new Chinese infrastructure architecture you…
The Rumpus proudly presents: The February Monthly Rumpus February 8th at The Makeout Room, 3225 22nd Street, 7pm. Get Advance Tickets! Click Here! Featuring authors Tony Dushane, Robin Ekiss, Ethan…
Monroe County Indiana Coroner’s reports, 1896-1935. It’s raining as I type this, so this seems like a good start. (via MeFi.) Tattoo locations (and what they say about you). Hey,…
CNET has a short piece up about a number of security vulnerabilities on Facebook that have recently been demonstrated by researchers — and they’re more serious than the notion that…
Haiti tries to go from rescue to recovery to relief. And if you’re looking for people to follow via Twitter, Jay Newton-Small, the writer of the above piece is a…
Today’s theme is things that are good. These appeal to me on at least three levels: 1980’s subway photography. The top fonts of 2009. “The primary goal is to change…
Read about it and see video here, thanks to Evan Karp of The SF Examiner. He condenses the whole night: “I think everyone had fun. I know I did. The main…
This week in San Francisco: SF MoMA wraps up a weekend of free art, local artist Eric Rewitzer offers his for an affordable price at Studio 3579, burlesque babes go…
This week in New York, the Rumpus and HTMLGIANT present ONE YEAR LATER a multimedia event with an allstar lineup of readers and musicians including Rivka Galchen, Tao Lin, Jeffrey…
Today is MLK Day so perhaps you’d like to kill time with first person Tetris? Behold the sleep suit! Alligators and birds breathe similarly! (psst… this is actually about dinosaurs,…