It’s been a fascinating couple of weeks here at The Rumpus. Here’s a taste of what you might have missed. Join the conversation at The Blurb#10, especially if you’re a…
Lots of fascinating science news this week. Here we go. The IgNobel Prizes were given out last night, and the honored research included a bra that doubles as a gas…
Yesterday, Stephen made you an incredible offer. I’m here to expand it. Do you have a favorite obscure poem (and no, poems are not necessarily obscure) or collection of poems…
If you’re not reading Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, you ought to be. This dog would be fully justified in refusing to warn its owners in the event of a house…
I realized, a few days after moving into my apartment, that my neighbor is an enthusiastic accordion player who enjoys playing at odd hours of the evening. I have never…
I heart Ernst Haeckel. (via Metafilter.) Kevin Barnes interviews Daryl Hall. Awesome. Umbrella cloud. Every single page of every single issue of Time Magazine from the 30s through the 70s.…
A: First of all, you can put away your old-school notions about the liberal arts. Back when you grew up, Plato banished poets from his Republic. These days, there is…
Remember Dr. Strangelove? The Doomsday Machine? It turns out that something very like it, called the Dead Hand, was actually operational, in the USSR, from 1984 at latest, and its…
Not long ago I was re-reading Jonathan Franzen’s famous Harper’s Essay as background to an essay I was working on, and towards the end Franzen quotes Don DeLillo, who had written…
Giving blood doesn’t have to be boring, it can be terrifyingly futuristic too! “Efforts to prevent foul weather on Oct. 1 involved satellites, 400 scientists, cloud-probing lasers and a squadron…
This is the sort of thing that people do in Finland: forkless bicycle! This is the sort of thing that people do in Croatia: sweet water organ! This is the…
Today is a good day for map based infographics: charting the 250 greatest movies of all time and the 7 deadly sins. Miniature architecture fashioned from re-purposed kitchen and hardware…