Welcome to Saturday morning, home of the screaming hangover. Perhaps I’ll try to get my hands on some watercress. This Day in Tech gives us a short, but interesting, look…
National Poetry Month is over, but you can still read great poetry on The Rumpus. We published a new poem every day in April, including work from D.A. Powell, Michelle…
Morning Coffee, now two hours earlier for our friends on the east coast. Count on it every weekday at 7, Atlantic! Our Rozalia reviews Throw Down Your Heart, the documentary…
Poetry is good for your face, but you need to make sure you rub it all the way in. Harriet, the Poetry Foundation’s blog, is having some problems with commenters.…
1991 was an eventful year–the Soviet Union collapsed, our Iraq adventure began, Scott Norwood’s kick went wide right, Magic Johnson tested positive for HIV, Jeffrey Dahmer and Mike Tyson were…
According to the New York Times, Americans posing as contractors allegedly stole $40 million in Iraqi fuel and sold it on the black market. “The operation described in the indictment…
Looking for a way to set your company apart from the rest of the herd? Try business cards made of meat–beef jerky, to be specific. I don’t even want to…
If you live in San Francisco you’ve probably seen the signs on storefronts and taxis—the posters eye-catching and cryptic: War Music, flanked by a wing and a gun.
Today is Take Our Daughters to Work Day. Sons are also included. I didn’t want to pull my daughter out of school so she could watch me tinker on my computer…