Film Fetishizing Distress: The Wrong Light and Sex Trafficking Lauren WissotJuly 26, 2017 Josie Swantek Heitz’s and Dave Adams’s The Wrong Light, theatrically released in NYC through Cinema Guild on July 14, is disturbing on several levels. First, there’s the story itself. The…Read
Read Film Rumpus Original Macho Prey: Homophobia and Unlikely Victims in Tickled Heather WhiteDecember 8, 2016 The film only grazes the issue, but homophobia is the fuel of the harassment that the targets face.Read
Read Film Music Rumpus Original The Saturday Rumpus Essay: Queen of Decay Gila LyonsAugust 1, 2015 I wish it had been: Amy was a brilliant and tortured artist. Lets explore her brilliance. Let’s watch her perform.Read