(Dan Weiss is out on tour with his band The Yellow Dress. He’ll be back on August 3rd.) Getting your MFA at 68. Utopias have nothing but trouble. Fetishizing food.…
Is the Hulk going to own Gawker? What’s actually happening with Twitter? Don’t freak out, but cities lose art all the time. Does power corrupt? Or do institutions corrupt? Technology is…
D. Scot Miller extemporizes on Roberto Bolaño, and the legacy Latin American letters just can’t escape from, over at Gawker: Did I say that Roberto Bolano was a genius? I…
After Racket Teen, the First Look Media startup for which he was working, failed, Alex Pareene joined Gawker, where he holds the “amusingly vague title of ‘Special Projects Editor.’” Here’s…
Over at Gawker, Jason Parham leads us to an extremely long and incredibly detailed interview with Junot Diaz: “When as a young person you lose all your bearings, all your…
Lena Dunham launched her collection of personal essays, Not that Kind of Girl, yesterday. At NPR, the filmmaker, actress, and author discusses oversharing, sexual assault, and pornography. Dunham did not get through the…
Samuel “Chip” Delany’s penned the landmark 800 page science fiction tri-sexual space novel, any number of short stories set through all corners of the galaxy, and a craft book Junot…
“It feels like cheating,” Larissa Pham says in a Gawker essay titled “In My Shopping Cart,” “to write about culture by writing about food.” But it reads like anything but…
Tom Scocca, features editor at Gawker takes on the “newest weapon in the arsenal of privileged” in his recent essay. In response, Malcolm Gladwell writers over at The New Yorker…
We are waiting to see if the city will understand what the community already does: that Marcus Books is a historical landmark; that it is San Francisco; that it is…
In what ways are we responsible to each other, and what happens when we don’t accept that responsibility? What happens when we do not recognize each other as being worthy?…
Gawker reports on a London movie theater’s new tactic to keep moviegoers well behaved. The Prince Charles theater offers free movies to those who agree to don a black leotard, covering their…