Over at Harriet, Uche Nduke writes full-throttle praise and rich description of three poets who influenced him, Norman Fischer, Andrew Levy, and Lewis Warsh. Nduke’s own writing is anchored by…
Harriet, aka the Poetry Foundation blog, has posted an excerpt of the Rumpus Poetry Book Club’s recent chat with T. R. Hummer. Watch as I learn what the Bald Man…
Austin Kleon’s Newspaper Blackout site (along the same lines as his book) is worth checking out. He’s also a more than fair Twitterer. Via Harriet, Andrea Lingenfelter talks about “teaching…
Tara Betts found herself attacked by a particularly ignorant political blogger named Debbie Schlussel over her class at UrbanWordNYC. Betts’s response is elegant, measured, and powerful, everything the attack was…
Most of the excitement this week is in Denver at the AWP Conference, but there’s still plenty to talk about in poetry. For instance, have you been keeping up with…
I’m always interested in new and engaging ways to bring writing to people, so with that in mind, Diagram’s 10th Anniversary issue is out–well, it’s not an issue, exactly. It’s…
Happy 121st Birthday, T.S. Eliot. Edward Byrne talks about Eliot’s careful control of where and how his poetry appeared, especially as regards anthologies. Joel Brouwer explores the concept of the…
Welcome to Saturday night. Hope you like what I’ve dug up for you this week. Okay, this first one isn’t technically poetry, but if you’re interested in Bright Star, Jane…
Britain’s Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy has commissioned some war poetry for today as the Afghan war rages and the official inquiry into the Iraq War begins. Joel Brouwer commemorates…
Starting off, I want to thank Jeremy Hatch or subbing in for me last week, both on this column and as Saturday Editor. Great job, dude. Seth Abramson writes a…
Barbara Jane Reyes has a good response to the New Yorker article on MFA programs I posted earlier. At Harriet, Don Share takes on poetry reviews, even though he’s tired…
A movie about poets? I’m amazed that it got made in the first place. We linked to it earlier this week, but I think it bears relinking–Martin Earl’s observation on…