Other This Week in Essays Tamara MatthewsJanuary 18, 2017 At Real Life, Emma Healey makes a well-stated case for why Periscope’s Couch Mode may be the escape we all need. Ijeoma Oluo has written an important essay on the legacy of Martin Luther…Read
Read Rumpus Original The Dark Lady Janet PocorobbaJanuary 13, 2017 In my imaginings, Ava was always a woman driving at night, a face behind glass in a shiny speeding vehicle, motoring down the road.Read
Read Rumpus Original Reading Mademoiselle Gantrel Janet PocorobbaMay 26, 2016 We squinted into the smoky room and saw ourselves on junior year abroad, frolicking on the Left Bank with artists in berets like hers.Read