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Julien Poirier
5 posts
Notable San Francisco: 5/24–5/30
Wednesday 5/24: David Brazil celebrates the release of Holy Ghost, his third full-length collection. He will be in conversation with Julien Poirier, co-founder of Ugly Duckling Presse. Free, 7 p.m., City…
Notable NYC: 3/25–3/31
Saturday 3/25: Lucy Ives and Lila Zemborain join the Segue Series. Zinc Bar, 4:30 p.m., $5. Sunday 3/26: Ariena Reines, Lauren Hilger, T Kira Madden, Rachel Aydt, and Meghan Trask…
Notable Los Angeles: 2/6–2/12
Monday 2/6: Len Vlahos presents Life in a Fishbowl and Leah Thomas presents Nowhere Near You. 6:30 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore. Greg Palast discusses and signs The Best Democracy Money…