Sergio Pitol gets the profile treatment over at Lit Hub: Sergio Pitol (1933) is all of the above; he is, I believe, a total writer. And by writer I do not…
This week was the third annual #TwitterFiction Festival, held here, there, and everywhere in typical Twitter style. The Association of American Publishers and Penguin Random House partnered to host the…
In a lovely long interview at LitHub, Maggie Nelson discusses her new book The Argonauts and the recent emergence of hybrid forms in popular literature. As a matter of fact, Nelson…
In large part, I get to live it now because of those creative writing programs—one MA and one MFA—and also, at least equally, because of the time between them, which…
In a truly wonderful keynote speech reprinted at Lit Hub, Aminatta Forna tears down the false divide between art and politics: To tell writers not to tackle political themes because…
Though I did not know it then, Adeline was not just a work of fiction, or an act of literary ventriloquism. It was my suicide note. Had I succeeded in…