Marlon James, author of A Brief History of Seven Killings, pens an essay for Lit Hub pointing out the meagerness of diversity as a meaningful end goal for creative communities. He…
colonizers can’t seem to grasp this reality indigenous resistance isn’t protest or disruption or civil unrest indigenous resistance is ceremony At Lit Hub, Demian DinéYazhi’ writes a poem of anguish and…
Evil is not one man, but rather the process of normalization via which exclusion, deportation, and finally extermination are all rendered morally justifiable. At Lit Hub, Rafia Zakaria writes an essay…
Over at Lit Hub, Bridget Read discusses the gender politics of Tinder, the rise of the Single Woman, and how these phenomena have permeated recent nonfiction by women: It makes…
You might know about the invention of the printing press revolutionizing the business of publishing, but what about the revolution in actually selling those published books? At Lit Hub, John…
Publishers stress that readers nowadays want to feel like they’re in a relationship with an author. But I’ve just put everything I know into writing and in exchange you pay…
At Lit Hub, Lina Mounzer discusses the Syrian women bearing witness to the war through writing, her own complicated relationship with the English language, and translation as a symbolic act:…
While we may envy writers with books that have just reached critical acclaim or won a prestigious prize, a writer’s fame often doesn’t last for very long. What happens when a writer finds…
Have you ever thought of vanishing into thin air? If so, you’re not alone. For Lit Hub, Elizabeth Greenwood investigates the pros and cons of leaving the world cold: Depending on…
You may see life all over the place. You may guess at things that are dying so fast… Lit Hub shares some really lovely aphorisms written by the great surrealist…
In a universe slowly sinking into entropy, writing can take the disordered pieces of our experience and fit their edges together into something organized. If the work of a writer is to tease…
As I processed a dominant Euro-American writing pedagogy from the perspective of an aspiring fiction writer and an immigrant critic of color, I couldn’t stop wondering: are we, in 21st-century…