(adj.); gloomy, morose, or morbid; bad-tempered, irritable; from the Latin agra bili(s) (“black bile”) “Caleb stopped, massaged, then stopped again, as though he felt something under the skin. ‘Too big…
Sara Benincasa has some inspiring words over at Medium: You must tell people exactly what you want from them if you have any hope that they will give it to you.…
There’s hardly an American who can’t find a helpline, unless that American’s a pedophile in remission. Convinced that the lack of said resource is dire, needed, and far from forthcoming,…
Libraries are continuously purchasing new books, but the only way to make room for new titles is by removing old ones. Phyllis Rose explores the process of libraries’ acquisition and…
The biggest myth we are fed as artists is that we need to sustain ourselves solely on our art. This is ridiculous. Every artist has at some point in time…
Emily Gould is broke. Writing her first book got her into debt, which leaves her to wonder, now what? She muses, “How could someone who had been so mistaken about…
Ideally, online longform nonfiction combines the strengths of the print world with those of the Internet, granting writers the rigorous editing and reporting resources they’d get at a magazine but…