Seen from the vantage point of this blank grave, and the ruin that came before it, Watkins’ life feels like something out of Dreiser. Seen from its beginning—the summers in…
You are not like the other children. You can’t get into the same juvenile mischief your white friends get into. You represent something more than yourself and your family when…
American libraries have always been a place for ideas and the exchange of knowledge. In recent years, libraries have invested in computers and other new technologies. One of those popular…
Just when you thought you had a full biblio of Shakespeare’s plays, up pops another. Tom Jacobs wrote earlier this week for Pacific Standard on Double Falsehood, a play found…
Yesterday, Rumpus columnist Thomas Page McBee kicked off his new series, “The American Man,” over at the Pacific Standard. Featuring “gonzo reporting from barber shops, boxing gyms, frat houses, and…
Is it possible to read War and Peace on an iPhone? In the Pacific Standard, Casey Cepp considers whether apps can actually help us become better, more thoughtful readers: This literary diet will not be for everyone.…
In our interview with Molly Antopol, when discussing readership of Israeli literature in the United States, Antopol says, “I have all these smart friends who love books and love international…