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Rachel Fershleiser
7 posts
Notable NYC: 6/3–6/9
Saturday 6/3: March for Truth. Foley Square, 9 a.m., priceless. Val Emmich presents The Reminders. Maxwells Tavern, 7 p.m., $7. Oliver Baez Bendorf, Cortney Lamar Charleston, Joseph Fasano, Megan Fernandes,…
An Army of Readers
The more tools that we get for communication and collaboration, the more we’re taking reading and writing — these really solitary pursuits — and building communities around them for connection…
A Notable Night with the Rumpus and Tin House
Tuesday night, November 17, the Rumpus and Tin House presented a night of variety acts such as David Rees on the art of choosing numbers, Todd Barry on what women…