Posts by tag
6 posts
Readers Report: Impossible Resolutions
A collection of short pieces written by Rumpus readers pertaining to the subject of “Impossible Resolutions.”
Change, but Not Too Much
Mensah Demary caps off the year at Catapult with an essay that reflects on the traditional New Year’s resolution and what our easy dismissing of these attempts to change says…
Weekend Rumpus Roundup
First, Grant Snider considers New Year’s resolutions in his inimitable way. Then, Barbara Berman draws a connection between two recent poetry collections—famous German playwright Bertold Brecht’s posthumous Love Poems and The Book…
New Readers Report Theme: Resolutions
After reading all your splendid short pieces on the theme “Magic” we’re eager for another Rumpus Readers Report! This month’s theme? Resolutions. (It is January, after all.) Please send your submissions, maximum…
Make Reading a New Year’s Resolution!
The folks over at BOOKish have a wonderful idea: add reading to your list of New Year’s resolutions. They have helpful hints for how you can accomplish this: “Read a…