Posts by tag
sports fans
7 posts
Color at the Mercy of the Light
What if I said: while people still believe they are white in America, that delusion, and the dream upon which it is founded, needs to be seriously examined.
LeBron James as Personal Essayist
Beneath all personal essays, especially those that deal with trauma, a change, or, in James’s case, a tough decision, the implicit narrative is that the author is presently in a clear enough place to produce the prose.
Politics and Football
The Millions takes a look at Rumpus columnist Steve Almond‘s book Against Football: Almond stalks through his arguments against the modern state of football at a pace that is both…
Leaving Early
I wasn’t looking at them, but I felt I should have been. It’s an act of bravery, to see and be seen, isn’t it? A way to connect? And wasn’t I, just then, needing to feel something like brave?
The Rumpus Book Club Chat with Steve Almond
The Rumpus Book Club chats with Steve Almond about his new book, Against Football, One Fan's Reluctant Manifesto, the complicity of fans in the violence of the NFL, the sports media's role in the discussion (or lack of one) and the difficulty of leaving a sport you love.