Monday 6/23: Alan Furst discusses and signs Midnight in Europe. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore. Tuesday 6/24: Book Soup presents Damien Echols and Lorri Davis discussing and signing Yours for…
Monday 6/16: Rumpus cartoonist Yumi Sakugawa discusses and signs I Think I Am in Friend-Love with You. 7 p.m. at Book Soup. Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell present The Disaster Artist, together…
Monday 6/2: Sarah Lotz discusses and signs The Three. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s Bookstore. Roxane Gay reads from An Untamed State. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books. Tuesday 6/3: David Peace…
Monday 5/26: Happy Memorial Day! Have you considered volunteering with The Literally Healing Project? Tuesday 5/27: Kate Gale reads from her newest book of poetry, The Goldilocks Zone. Also reading…
Monday 2/17: Cecil Castellucci, Rachel Cohn, Melissa de la Cruz, Kristen Kittscher, and David Levithan pay tribute to the late author, Ned Vizzini. 7:30 p.m. at Skylight Books. Tuesday 2/18:…
Monday 12/2: Jesse Lasky presents and signs Schooled in Revenge. 7 p.m. at Book Soup. Tuesday 12/3: Marla Frazee presents and signs God Got a Dog. 7 p.m. at Vroman’s…
LA Rockers! Go to Stories Books and Cafe tonight at 7 pm for the release of Two Dollar Radio’s Frequencies #3, a biannual journal of artful essays. The release party features the stylistic…