Reb Livingston has an interesting premium for people who buy a No-Tell Motel book today and tomorrow–a free tarot reading or dream interpretation. We here at The Rumpus are very interested in innovative ways to promote books.
Barbara Jane Reyes, who I haven’t linked to in far too long, has some really interesting things to say about the MFA Industrial Complex.
I really like the concept behind this journal, Redheaded Stepchild. They want poems that have been rejected by other journals, and ask for the names of the journals in your submission. Given that everyone passes over good stuff from time to time, I think it’s a worthy place to look for work.
Diane Lockward argues in favor of writing gibberish, or more correctly, using gibberish to jumpstart your writing. It’s interesting–I might try it.
This is a much more interesting Dead Poets Society. See you all next week.