International children’s books from the collection of Rilla Alexander:
Links under the images bring you to additional images on Rilla’s website.
Der Verkaufte Traum, illus. Ferdinand Hloznik, 1977, binding
Der Verkaufte Traum, illus. Ferdinand Hloznik, 1977
Historien om fire børn, en missekat og en kvanki-vanki, Edward Lear, illus. Ungermann, 1950
Betrugs Lexikon, illus. Werner Klemke, 1958
children’s book found in Tokyo
Abenteuer run ums schachbrett (Adventures around the chessboard) by Mihail Sadoveanu, illus. Val Munteanu (Romania, 1980)
Cvrček a mravenci by J.Z. Novák, illus. Vojtěch Kubašta, 1958
The above and below books are from the collection of Rilla’s friends the Mobergs
Ferda Mravenec by Josef Brukner, illus. Ondřej Sekora
Mali Sportovci by Josef Brukner, illus. Kornelie Němečková, 1985
Ovoce, Ovoce na nasí zahrádce by Jan Carek, illus. Libuse Loskotova, 1962
Wer Macht Mit?, Concept and Models by Margot Schölzel, Graphic and technical design by Hans Greschek (Rudolf Arnold Verlag Leipszig, DDR)
Das Hölzerne Pferd by Franz Fühmann, ill. Eberhard Binder (Verlag Neues Leben, 1968)
Der Zauberring (The Magic Ring), illus. by Michale Romberg (Artia, Prague, 1972)
Petja in der krähenschule by E.I. Tscharuschin, illus. Herbert Lentz, 1969
En Grønsagsmand fra Grønsagsland by Birgit Erup (Lademann, Copenhagen, 1970)
Tresky Plesky by Miroslav Florian, illus. Zdenek Sedyl, 1972, inside
Tresky Plesky by Miroslav Florian, illus. Zdenek Sedyl, 1972, binding
A big thank you to Rilla — an accomplished designer and illustrator herself — for sharing her collection here.
Previously: Rilla’s Garden of Earthly Delights