Are there political advantages to writing book blurbs? Are there ethical lines writers shouldn’t cross? Scott Esposito of Conversational Reading weighs in using Nicole Krauss’ positive, to say the very least, blurb of David Grossman’s To the End of the Land. What’s your take on the blurb? Does Krauss go a tad overboard or is it completely unfair to judge without actually having read the book, as Esposito admits he has not?
The Ethics of the Book Blurb
Salvatore Pane
Salvatore Pane is a writer based in Pittsburgh, PA. His fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Quick Fiction, Weave, We Are Champion, Corium Magazine and others. His debut graphic novel, The Black List, will see publication later this year from Arcana Comics. He blogs at