There’s a restaurant in the Mission district of San Francisco at which, at the point it closed earlier this year, I’d eaten at with every girl I’d ever been involved with.
I am, on a pretty fundamental level, an extremely predictable person. I’ve been feeling happy and quiet, whimsical and nostalgic lately and accordingly I haven’t been listening to a lot of new music.
Sure, I could tell you that I agree with the people who really like the new Arcade Fire album, or this shoegaze band from the Philippeans I keep meaning to mention, but when I get home I’ve really just been going through the same couple of Field Mice singles and Casiotone for the Painfully Alone and Arthur Russell albums I’ve listened to dozens of times over the last few years.
I’m terrified of turning into one of those people who stop processing new things once they hit their mid 20s, but the fact is that “A Little Lost” (off Another Thought, 1994 Orange Mountain Music) is maybe the best love song ever recorded and sometimes you just want to keep on sharing these things.
Arthur Russell: “A Little Lost”