In She Returns to the Floating World, Gailey utilizes anime and other aspects of Japanese culture, such as its folklore and attitudes following The Bomb, as she puzzles through how…
Earl Tupper, inventor of Tupperware, would have been 104 yesterday. This piece offers a glimpse of Tupper’s other inventions, complete with his own sketches. While it was those plastic containers…
On the evening of July 27 I interviewed Megan Boyle over gchat. Rather than prepare questions or focus on a specific topic, we used Wikipedia’s “random article” link to go…
The economics of publishing a literary magazine reveal some inauspicious stats. Magazine editors have to stay crafty and constantly reinvent what it means to be innovative, just to survive. Even…
Does anyone else think the question mark is the most beautiful of all punctuation marks? Well, the very first question mark may have looked more like a colon. Discovered in…
This might seem obvious to many, but apparently there is now research behind the idea that smart phones, computers and the Internet are weakening our memories. According to this article,…
“The book review page is an odd cultural territory, often inhabited by such hybrid creatures — unlike their contemporaries in other disciplines, where the lines between critic and artist are…
Looking back at 80s media, this video curated essay examines the meaning of difference in Miami Vice, Pretty in Pink, and Ferris Bueller, through the lens of author Mash Tupitsyn’s…
There are two Ray Bradbury classics (Something Wicked Comes This Way and The Martian Chronicles) that have been recently adapted into graphic novels and Bradbury is down. The graphic novel…