Fact: there are a lot of time capsules buried under LA. Daily Routines is a pretty neat site. (via Letters of Note.) Have we perhaps found the world’s first question…
John Maus converses with BOMBLOG about his recently released album. Topics include utopia, isolation and collaboration, the “language of pop,” lyrics as an afterthought, gender as an effect of language,…
Atlantis just returned from its last mission and here we are with our feet firmly on the ground. But surely there is an alternative to NASA. For inspiration into space…
“It could happen again…” There is some evidence that the onset of the end-Triassic mass extinction—which occurred 200 million years ago and wiped out at least half of all living…
Robert Pinksy, writing at Slate, reintroduces us to John Wilson Croker and John Gibson Lockhart, two critics who hated John Keats. Croker loathed Keats so badly that he’s most remembered…
The entirety of LA’s 73 public libraries will be running in full force—the first time this kind of operational simultaneity has happened since August 2010, when budget cuts enforced some…
While still an undergrad, I was lucky enough to attend a reading by Joanna Klink. We had been reading her second book, Circadian, in my poetry class that week, and…
Catch-22 turns 50 today. What better way to celebrate than perusing this article. It discusses why the novel has inspired such “divergent” reactions. In teasing out the reasons, the article…
The biography of Wendi Murdoch, is apparently a chick-lit story waiting to happen. Defending her husband from the fierce pie flinging attack that happened two days ago in London, she’s…
Our very own film connoisseur, Nick Rombes, reviews Tao Lin and Megan Boyle’s DIY film, Bebe Zeva, which was entirely filmed on a MacBook. The film revolves around a 17…