Poetry is the literary art form that can most readily adapt the grammatically-fraught, political commentaries of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, apparently. Michael Solomon compiled and edited a bunch of…
“Chinese confessions are as much a ritual as the kowtow, the ‘three kneelings and the nine prostrations,’ of dynastic times. Foreign journalists are occasionally compelled to make such confessions, although…
A University of Oxford Style Guide has decided to go minimalist on all the grammarians and drop the oxford comma. They’re making big decisions over there. Watch out: ‘“As a…
No need to worry, everybody! Ponzi schemer extraordinaire, Bernie Madoff, is doing totally fine in prison. He’s been reading a bunch! James Michener novels, to be specific. Will books enrich…
Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis is being adapted into a “fresh modern horror” film of the same name. Shooting for the movie is beginning next month, but these things are already true:…
Hey dudes, don’t give monkeys your food. Dorothy Parker’s writer’s block in telegraph form. I am a big fan of re-purposed factories. This is a fact. Have you guys seen…
The list of reputable writers who have worked in the medical field is long and distinguished—Chekhov, Bulgakov, William Carlos Williams, among many others—and yet the promethean doctor-divinity-student-novelist-daredevil Chris Adrian,
Ariel Sands, the pseudonym of an internationally known nonfiction writer, is now exploring the fictional domain. Her first novel, Never the Face: A Story of Desire, explores sadomasochistic obsession through…
There are now approximately 718 different apps–“PortaPoet”, “Erotic Poems” or “Prose for Bros” just to name a couple– that come up when you search “poetry” on iTunes’ App Store. Nick…
On “We Who Are About to Tweet,” Ani Smith compiles twitter philosophies—which is great for reference on twitter etiquette and digging up 140-character gems of the past. And her most…
Washington, D.C.’s literary scene will be welcoming editors and writers alike for the Indie Lit City Summit on July 16, 2011. Largely organized by Dan Brady, one of the Barrelhouse…