Posts by year
4022 posts
Something for Nothing
Set during the ’70s inflation crisis, David Anthony’s first novel, Something for Nothing, is a suspenseful thriller with literary realism. You just may miss your next train stop.
Dan Weiss’s Morning Coffee
Today is the first day of summer and frankly I’m just thinking about this and this. You know who is good at detecting the difference between identical twins? Czech police…
To Gaze Upon a Weiner: A Rumpus Lamentation with Sad Sexual Parts
Anthony Weiner, the brash congressman from New York City, resigned this past Thursday, after it was revealed that he sent photos of himself, and sexually yearning text messages, to several…
The Last Poem I Loved: “The Terrible Angel” by Russell Edson
I love prose poems. Prose poems sacrifice the agility of line breaks for the raw power of the sentence. Poems with line breaks are undersized receivers who run intricate routes.…
Old Books with New Tricks
The Wasteland, complete with new apps for the contemporary reader, replaced a Marvel comic as an iPad top seller recently. This week, On the Road shuffles its way onto the…
Leaked Mainstream Media Dictionary
Al-Jazeera has started a new project–an online dictionary of words and phrases the mainstream media (which I–though not everyone–would argue they’re a part of) uses when writing/talking about whatever the…
Danya Glabau’s Tech Links
Online currency Bitcoin, which was recently targeted by US senators for its use in the drug trade, is the latest high-profile hacking target. The fastest computer in the world is…
A DIY Publishing Success Story
Amanda Hocking has the mastered the dual art of storytelling and story-selling. NY Times Magazine profiles her, discussing her multi-million dollar ventures via Amazon to her recent deal with a…
“Take Me Home”
We are proud to announce our upcoming monthly event, “Take Me Home.” July’s event features spoken word performer Rich Ferguson and brilliant authors Meg Day, Alexandra Teague, and Jesse Ball.…
Battling E-Pirates
What happens when a philosophy professor takes on e-piracy? He discovers that it’s not quite as cut and dried as he first thought. Let me be clear–the issue of whether…