Posts by year
4022 posts
More Face-Palm
If you’re in Tennessee, you probably want to stop using the internet right now, especially if you were thinking about posting, or even sending some manner of image, because you’re…
Bicycling While Skirted
I think this belongs in the “don’t you have more important stuff to worry about, Officer” category, but I’m willing to entertain other category suggestions as well. Jasmijn Rijcken is…
Science Saturday
I’ve long thought that smartphones were the early models of the Star Trek tricorder. Well, the iPhone is going to space and will measure, among other things, spacecraft radiation levels.…
Saturday Morning Links
Thanks very much to Seth Fischer for sitting in for me last Saturday. We had a fabulous day. We Who Are About To Die is running a series on negative…
Saving Books from the Flame
In Pike Lake, Saskatchewan (easy to draw; hard to spell!), Shaunna Raycraft and her husband are desperate to save about 30 metric tons of books from a firey fate. The…
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club Interviews Tracy K. Smith
The Rumpus Poetry Book Club chats with Tracy K. Smith about her collection Life on Mars/
Erin Rose’s Tech Links
A little corporate hypocrisy for yr Friday: Apple rips off student’s rejected iPhone app. One positive outcome of Weinergate: Congress members are tweeting a lot less. The age of international…
Probably Good Picks
Editors at the NYT Book Review share which titles they plan on tackling this summer.
Running Away (Deadline Today!)
We have now featured six “Rumpus Readers Report” collections (“Family/Holidays,” “Neighborhood,” “Impossible Love,” “Wants/Needs,” “The Gift,” and “Near and Far“); but let’s be honest, six is not nearly enough. We’re…