“The point is that while we cherish open-ness or dialogue, we relish our closed structures and cordoned-off and privileged hallways. Academic blogging, to this graduate student, was a way out…
Atlantic senior editor Ta-Nehisi Coates calls Alex Gallo-Brown’s recent “Where I Write” essay “awesome sauce.” Thanks Coates, we love you back! Update: You can read our interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates…
Rumpus Poetry Club Board Member Gabrielle Calvocoressi on why she chose Harmony Holiday’s Negro League Baseball as the June selection of The Rumpus Poetry Book Club:
John Brandon, author of Arkansas and Citrus County, reminisces about the petty crime/literary conquests of his adolescence at The Millions. After his teenage athleticism burned out, he funneled his energy…
Monday, we linked to Andrew Altschul’s essay on DFW’s story “The Suffering Channel.” The piece is part of The Quarterly Conversation‘s “symposium on David Foster Wallace,” a collection of in-depth…
The Internet Archive is now setting its sights on physical space, aiming to preserve one copy of every book, record and movie they obtain. As Google Books makes it increasingly…
First came Pride and Prejudice, then came the zombies, and now comes the sex. Erotica author Mitzi Szereto has written Pride and Prejudice: Hidden Lusts, that features “the entire cast…
Be warned: Char demands much from his reader. His poetry seems to exist in a limbo, where emotion and intellect meet with startling results. His labyrinthine vision leads the reader…
“The only time Hemingway cried over alcohol: When Congress made it illegal during Prohibition. But he pulled himself together, as a man does always, and traveled to Paris, as a…