This week in New York, the 2011 Oscar nominated shorts at BAM; “Let It End Like This,” an exhibition on obituaries; Bradford Morrow talks about The Inevitable: Contemporary Writers Confront…
No, we didn’t find alien life this weekend. Here is your library architecture porn for the week. What did people do for art before Google Maps? The important lesson to…
"It’s really a liability in contemporary American fiction that many of us are taught to avoid political or intellectual matters in our work. It’s a real weakness in the way that fiction is taught in this country."
Girls Write Now, the awesome organization that I mentor with, is looking for professional women writers to become mentors to a talented group of high school girls for the 2011-2012…
Professor John Michael Bailey at Northwestern conducted an optional sex toy presentation in one of his classes last week. Per the Daily Northwestern, “The … presentation last Monday, attended by…
First The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and now the Bible? “…‘booty,’ a word that sets off snickers in Sunday school, will be replaced by the ‘spoils’ of war when the…
“A few months ago, an editor at a small literary magazine offered a polite and encouraging email rejection of a story of mine titled, “Pipe.” A child-narrated, first-person story, the…
On Dr. Seuss’s racism (and rap skills.) (via @maudnewton) At Bookslut, “Twenty-Three Short Thoughts About Women And Criticism” Behind on your lit mags? At Luna Park, here are some things…
The Poetry Book Club Chat on Tuesday with Noelle Kocot was a tremendous success, and we’ll be posting the edited transcript next week. Not exactly poetry, but Robert Lee Brewer…