“This stupid little Facebook photo is not only ill-informed, it’s harmful. Nothing on it has anything to do with reality. It has everything to do with a false rhetoric that’s…
“Founded by Kristina Kearns, Ourshelves was inspired by all the talk of the publishing industry’s impending death and Kearns’ personal desire to preserve books. ‘I wanted to create something between…
Holy crap. As many of you know, on Monday night, Oakland police raided the Occupy Oakland encampment, arresting and tear-gassing residents and destroying the entire camp. Last night, 500-1500 people…
“The guidebook I researched last winter was never published, put on hold when the Arab Spring surged into Libya that February. I was writing a guidebook to a country that…
Hey you guys, it’s totally almost Halloween. The mystery of the rapidly inflating volcano. I don’t really know about this whole “agriculture” thing. Let’s take a look at Sylvia Plath’s…
“…Substantial wealth inequality is so embedded in American political culture that, standing alone, it would not be sufficient to trigger citizen rage of the type we are finally witnessing.” At…
How useful is self-knowledge in decision making? Not very, according to Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow. The Book Bench takes a look at Kahneman’s ideas—the most significant…