Want to know what type of books are lying around the offices of The Village Voice or Flavorpill? BuzzFeed has a great collection of the books found in various media…
A “(h)elpless tribute, I suppose, to the all-time ego king.” Jonathan Lethem has a phenomenal essay on Norman Mailer over at the LA Review of Books, which is also really…
“It’s new for many observers, on the left and the right, to grasp how a movement might unfold without a clear agenda, set of leaders — or even one anthem.…
Hey, everyone likes a quiz! “Match the author with the pen name. ” (via) The Book Bench writes up The Occupied Wall Street Journal, a newspaper that’s popped up at occupation.…
Tomas Transtomer, that is, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Blackbird, an online journal, has his 1996 book, Sorrow Gondola, available on their website at the link above. The…
Seriously, what the hell? Via Feministing, this is one of the more disturbing stories I’ve come across. Topeka County said is couldn’t afford to prosecute domestic battery cases, so they…
Forensic DNA databases could make the problem of racial disparities in law enforcement even worse. First images of interstellar turbulence. Pass the dramamine. I really like this take on the…
Cider hangovers are nothing to joke about. Just thought you should know. A suggestion for intelligence agencies everywhere: next time you get the brilliant idea to use vaccination programs as…
“The paper’s tone is revolutionary: ‘What is occurring on Wall Street right now is remarkable. For over two weeks, in the great cathedral of capitalism, the dispossessed have liberated territory…