Monday! Monday! Monday! “We No Who U R” is available today from “Push The Sky Away”, the 15th record by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds scheduled to release February 18, 2013.
Be There! (add echo effect)
Let’s talk about Grinderman 2 (2010) and the amazing tour that followed the release. The record is top notch, and somehow the moons aligned and Nick and the guys were playing as fierce, if not more, than back when “Henry’s Dream” came out in 1992.
My favorite song of the show was “Kitchenette.”
Check it out:
How savage is that song? From sexy to frightening all at once. And, lots of innuendos.
The live footage above is a great primer on how to interact with Nick at live shows. If he comes near you, GRAB HIM. He feeds off of it and the live show transcends. Yes, you are responsible for how great your Nick Cave experience is.
Don’t be cool and pose if you’re in the front of the crowd. It’s like being on an airplane in the emergency exit row and your plane is going down, you are then responsible for the emergency door.
So, if you’re up in the front of a Nick Cave show, go absolutely nuts. Become the footage of screaming girls, crying when Elvis Presley worked his hip thrusts.
Don’t worry, Nick has a lot more experience at Nick Cave shows than any of us. I have seen him completely crawl over the crowd and keep the song going. He is in control. When he comes near you: interact.
Now that we’re starting to get show announcements and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds are solidifying dates for a North America tour around April 2013, get schooled, join us up front and reach out to him…..yank on his legs, hold his hand, he breaks the barrier between the stage and audience on purpose.
“What’s that husband of yours ever given to you, Oprah Winfrey on a plasma screen, and a brood of jug eared, buck toothed imbeciles, the ugliest fucking kids i’ve ever seen.”
Notice in the clip below the large barrier between the stage and the audience. Where’s Nick? With the crowd. Grab him. Give him your underwear. Earn your spot up front, kids.
“Kitchenette”, RAK Sessions:
Fun with mixing up the lyrics. “The last time you left the cap off of the toothpaste babe, they had to scrape you off of the wall.”
Nick may even serenade you live. Then come back and stand over crowd. Australian English is a bit different than American English. Take the word “barrier” for example as applied to stadium type concerts. In Australian “barrier” actually means “bullshit.”
Tippy toe – Tippy toe – Tippy toe.
Go try and RELAX with Nick’s new song available today. There are only 77 more shopping days until “Push The Sky Away” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds is released.
Thanks for reading and come back next week for Nick Cave Monday.