b m y a p o c a l y p s e
AA | A is for apocalypse | |
AA | A is for asphyxia | |
AA | A is for @@@ + &&& | |
BB | B is for breathless | |
BB | B is for broken | |
BB | B is for bound | |
CC | C is for choke me | |
CC | C is for consumed, completely | |
CC | C is for crazy, as in: sometimes she wonders if she has gone c____ | |
DD | D is for down. up. sideways. diagonal | |
DD | D is for do. don’t. death. desire | |
DD | D is for duh. onomatopoeia. oooh | |
EE | E is for eeeeeeeeeeeeee | |
EE | E is for exhale. swallow his breath. swallow her breathless | |
EE | E is for exhale + inhale, the spaces i n b e t w e e n + beyond | |
FF | F is for fuck me senseless | |
FF | F is for fuck me senseless. again. again. again. and. please. and. again. | |
FF | F is for fucking perfect | |
GG | G is for generative. generating. degenerative. degenerating | |
GG | G is for going. going. gone. goodbye to everything i thought i… new… | |
GG | G is for give, as in: to give one’s self, completely | |
HH | H is for hold me. | |
HH | H is for her. him. he. she. umemeu. meuume. | |
HH | H is for heartbleed | |
II | I is for nonfiction | |
II | I is for internal bleeding, figuratively speaking but nonetheless _ouch_ | |
II | I is for anything U is 4 | |
JJ | J is for juicy | |
JJ | J is for just at the edge, just past the edge; what edge? beyond edge. | |
JJ | J is for k is for l is for m is for n is for o is for p is for q | |
KK | K is for kiss me | |
KK | K is for c as j is for g (phonetic partners) | |
KK | K is for kissing + holding hands | |
LL | L is for what if we just call it l.o.v.e.? | |
LL | L is for what if we just call it l.i.f.e.? | |
LL | L is for what if we just call it love? death? life? nihilism vs surrender? | |
MM | M is for merge. melt. melt away. merge into | |
MM | M is for maybe; perpetual uncertainty | |
MM | M is for metaphor, but what could possibly be a metaphor for this? | |
NN | N is for need you. NEED. need you. need you. Need you. NEED. U | |
NN | N is for NOW | |
NN | N is for deleting the word “NO” | |
OO | O is for Oooooohhhhhhh Nooooooooo . . . what does that mean? “no”? | |
OO | O is for oh. my. god. | |
OO | O is for a typographic circle that looks like a donut | |
PP | P is for pain. Pleasure. Please. | |
PP | P is for pregnant with words – your words – inside me | |
PP | P is for pre post eternally timeless | |
Q is for query – asking with genuine curiosity + interest | ||
Q is for queer | ||
Q is for ? | ||
RR | R is for rupture | |
RR | R is for ravenously, as in: she ate it like a raven. the bird of death. | |
RR | R is for more than rhetorical | |
SS | S is for something that cannot be / adequately described in language | |
SS | S is for “i-m-possible” – syntactic revolution or spelling error? | |
SS | S is for skin, as in: within and beyond the surface of | |
TT | T is for THIS | |
TT | T is for trust, as in: these activities require a great amount of t(h)rust | |
TT | T is for tell me everything ur dad says so I can say it 2 u (#daddy) | |
UU | U is for you | |
UU | U is for U+I | |
UU | U is for U+U+U+U+U+U+U+U+U+U+U++++U+U+U+U+U+U++++U! | |
VV | V is for very very much so | |
VV | V is for voice. vocal chords. open your mouth. stick out your tongue. | |
VV | V is for vulnerable | |
WW | W is for WTF + FTW + simply F, as in: oh f | |
WW | W is for weakness, as in: it is good to know about one’s weaknesses. | |
WW | W is for written. the process of writing + words becoming. more. | |
XX | X is for “+” gone sideways | |
XX | X is for XXX | |
XX | X is for not rated | |
YY | Y is for yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes y e s yes y e s YES YESYESYES | |
YY | Y is for yes | |
YY | Y is for yes please yes please yes no now yes no no yes now yes now | |
ZZ | Z is for zero resistance. 0 | |
ZZ | Z is for zillions of words, languages, methods. None of them adequate. | |
ZZ | Z is for starting again with A; no end in sight |
-Laura Zaylea
Laura Zaylea is an interdisciplinary media artist. Her feature film Hold The Sun was awarded Best Avant-garde Film at the 2010 Amsterdam Film Festival. Her feature screenplay Closer Than Rust recently won the 2011 Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Competition and is currently being converted into a multimedia iBook. Her locative media installation Speak2MeInCode is included in Avenues of Access: Online Archive of New ‘Born Digital’ Literature. Ms. Zaylea teaches media production at Temple University. @LauraZaylea, www.LauraZaylea.com, speak2meincode.com