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Bruce Krieger is clearly a very confused person. 1 teaspoon cream tartar in his “S’mores Cheesecake” topping? I feel sorry for his children.
by DSR from New York | flag if inappropriate
That the writer of this recipe is deeply insecure and in need of psychological intervention is not in question. What concerns me is that she feels entitled to call these “fritters” when they should be called croquettes, or at the very least, patties. And since when does cornmeal need to be stone-ground? Why so hostile, Ms. DeQuattro? Something you should think about is that not everyone can get fresh okra. I wish you would respect the lives of others and not be so careless in the future.
by Susan B from Brooklyn | flag if inappropriate
I was raised as a Presbyterian but converted to Eastern Orthodoxy in my senior year of college. My husband is an Anglican, and we are raising our children to respect all faiths, regardless of whether or not they care for gay people. I used to have a T-shirt with a picture of a roller coaster on it that said, “Life Takes Many Twists and Turns – Enjoy The Ride.” Personally, I would not have included the lemongrass or the smoked paprika in this, but I wasn’t as bothered as others by this recipe.
by Flora from Earth | flag if inappropriate
Believe what you want to believe, but calabaza squash and coconut milk mixed together get the blood flowing and produce an aphrodisiac effect. It’s science y’all.
by Mark from California | flag if inappropriate
Am I the only one disturbed by the use of Aleppo pepper in this recipe? What with everything that’s going on, couldn’t you have chosen a pepper that doesn’t directly lead to the slaughter of innocents? Personally, whenever I make Yoghurt-Marinated Chicken Kabobs, I think about my choices, about what those choices say about me, and about our place as human beings on this planet. I guess Eric Mandell doesn’t feel like he has to do that.
by MFA from Eastern United States | flag if inappropriate
No, you are not alone. My nephew is in the Marine Corp Forces Reserves and was deeply offended when I told him about this recipe.
by Grandma of Skyler from Virginia | flag if inappropriate
I can only imagine what someone eating this “Olive Oil Poached Shrimp with Winter Pistou” must feel each time she hears the words “cannellini bean.” It seems sad to me that some, including Sloan Peters, choose to live in willful ignorance.
by St. Francis from Texas | flag if inappropriate
I find these comments demeaning to women. If this recipe gets you so bent out of shape, go to delish.com.
by GooGoo Doll from Here | flag if inappropriate
Gestalt theory states that that the brain actively structures the information it receives, looking for patterns. I wonder then why this “Blueberry Blintzes” recipe calls for farmer’s cheese rather than just plain old cottage cheese. I find it hard to take this recipe seriously. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
by Shaun from Melbourne | flag if inappropriate
Ms. Ling must really hate herself to substitute blade roast for boneless pork butt.
by Anna C from New Jersey, What! What! | flag if inappropriate
I had to laugh when I saw Patricia Novich and Chris Wachtfoge’s “Rhubarb Shortcakes.” In 1986 I worked on a farm that was so mismanaged all the plants dried out and that was that. Long before Roe v. Wade, there was something called “civility” in this country, and I for one am proud to call myself an American. I really enjoyed reading this recipe even though it’s somewhat overwritten and Mrs. Novich is histrionic.
by D. Pamphili from Beacon | flag if inappropriate
I don’t get this. What does wrapping the loin in plastic have to do with anything? Just sayin’.
by Chris from USA | flag if inappropriate
“Basic” Banana Nut Bread implies just that. I would think that you would know that, Helen Roth, but I guess being from Fairlawn, New Jersey makes you think you can get away with not being educated like the rest of us. This doesn’t belong on a recipe website at all.
by Boca Raton Girl from UEFA | flag if inappropriate
This recipe was introspective and a pleasant read, but it misses the central point. If “Warm Cheddar Scones With Cumin” were meant to be “easy,” then the world would look very different than it does today.
by QT from Baltimore | flag if inappropriate
You can put all the mild-flavored molasses you want into your “Chipotle-Cherry Barbeque Sauce,” Eric Mandell, but the moment you add Worcestershire you’re crossing a line. There are consequences to your actions, in case you didn’t realize. Denial is an elevator to hell.
by ‘MFA from Eastern United States’ | flag if inappropriate
“Challah, Sausage, and Dried Apricot Stuffing” is a victory for Hitler. Pure and simple.
by DSR from New York | flag if inappropriate
Hitler was a vegetarian! LOL.
by Anon | flag if inappropriate
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